
Are Matching Gifts a Waste of Time?

Ruffalo Noel LevitzSeptember 17, 2015

Focusing on matching gifts for your phonathon is a waste of time, unless you are concerned with the following:


I’m going to assume I now have your attention. Read on to learn more about some of the latest strategies and tactics I shared during my webinar today hosted by HEPData on Using Phonathon to Positively Influence Matching Gifts.

Target Audience

The use of segmentation and calling pools in phonathons is nothing new. It gives you the ability to target the right constituents with a relevant message to improve results. However, are you using calling pools to increase the volume of matching gifts and, ultimately, dollars?

Those that matched their gift last year and those that promised a match when they pledged are the prime targets for a matching gift calling pool. Using AutoMatch & Employer Append is another simple way to identify a larger group of match eligible constituents, even if they haven’t matched their gift in the past.

Once you know who these prospects are, it’s pretty simple to create a cross segment calling pool by donor type for a group of specialized callers. The expectation is simple, almost everyone in this calling pool that pledges should be a match.

Scripting and Delivery

Figuring out where you should capture and verify employer information during a call is an important first step. You then have to make sure the callers are trained to conversationally ask for employment data on every call and that they are incorporating existing data into their rapport building.

Examples of Capturing Employer Data:

  • “It’s always exciting to hear what alumni/donors are doing with their degree. Are you working in the field you received your degree from? What type of work are you doing?”
  • “Did you know that XYZ corporation matches gifts? Matching gifts provide institutions with…”

Also make sure the script close focuses on matching gifts and build the expectation with the calling team that they will proactively search to determine if the company is matching and will also ask for a spouse or partner matching gift on every call if the primary prospect employer does not match gifts.

Coaching and pledge verification help ensure that execution of the matching gift ask and employer capture meets expectations.

Matching Gift Fulfillment

Matching pledge dollars don’t fund scholarships or program needs, but fulfilled dollars can. Fulfillment isn’t as easy as a blurb on the pledge card remit, it’s a multichannel approach to ensure donors submit their matching gift forms.

Below are four things you can do to increase your matching gift fulfillment:

  • Matching Gift Email Reminders
  • Matching Gift Fulfillment Calls
  • Matching Gift Postcard
  • Matching Gift Inserts (In pledge package)

If you are skeptical about spending money on matching gift fulfillment strategies, analyze your matching gift fulfillment to better understand what you are leaving on the table each year.


This isn’t about handing out candy to callers that receive a matching pledge, it’s about training the callers and supervisors on the impact of matching dollars at the organization. A few things to consider with motivation:

  • Provide additional training before calling math eligible audiences
  • Set realistic goals
  • Keep goals and results in front of supervisors and callers
  • Engage your MG Coordinator in the training
  • Appoint a supervisor as the “Matching Gift Czar”

Games, prizes and awards are all part of the motivation strategy with matching gifts, just make sure your team doesn’t lose sight on what you are really trying to accomplish.

Industry Trends: This Way Up


The results above are from RNL’s managed phonathon clients and show a positive trend with growth in matching pledges and dollars over the past five years. While matching gifts aren’t the only way to grow phonathon results, it’s one key component that everyone should spend some time and resources on as part of their larger phonathon plan.

If your results are stagnant or declining, contact us and we can help.

Check out the webinar: Using Phonathon to Positively Influence Matching Gifts, available at HEPdata.

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