
5 New Podcasts on Fundraising and Donor Engagement

Ruffalo Noel LevitzApril 17, 2020

We’ve been hard at work here at RNL capturing insights from fundraising leaders. As you think about what’s next for your program and your outreach, having some different perspectives can help. Here are a few recent Fundraising Voices podcasts to keep you company as you work remotely, and plan for the next phase of your donor engagement.

New Fundraising Voices Podcasts

Sara Wald from North Dakota State University and Eric Gentry from Northern Kentucky University join RNL’s Chad Warren to talk about targeted student emergency funds amidst the COVID-19 crisis.

Jody Donaldson from Kirkwood Community College talks about engaging community-wide support for these special institutions.

Janice Cunning from Fundraising Leadership talks about investing in your own advancement, the value of coaching, and what skills fundraising leaders need in this challenging time.

Martin Leifeld, author of Five Minutes for Fundraising, shares insights for engaging donors of all levels and talks about how the fundamentals haven’t changed.

Mazarine Treyz from Wild Woman Fundraising talks about advancing yourself, getting the resources you need, and the changing world for women in non-profit leadership.

You can listen to over 70 episodes of Fundraising Voices on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

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