
Getting Your Digital Marketing House in Order–A Spring Cleaning Checklist

Valerie AndersMarch 25, 2021
Digital Marketing Spring Cleaning: Image of person using a tablet
Here are 6 digital marketing tips to help your institution clean up old tracking, keep your accounts accurate, and review goals.

Spring is officially here. For many of us that means taking time to clean out the house or getting the yard ready for those spring blooms, but it is also a great time to check-in on your digital marketing accounts to make sure they’re properly setup and organized. You might be thinking, “Why? everything is working fine,” but it’s easy to forget that people change roles, and pages, ads, and channels get added and removed as strategies and goals change on campus. Here are a few tips to get you started and help ensure you’re set up for success.

Make sure manager accounts are set up and utilized

Many platforms, including Facebook and Google, offer overarching manager level accounts that allow you to easily control who has access to your accounts. These are great tools for working with agencies or just for managing in-house resources as they give you a centralized view of all who have access to your accounts and what level of access they have. Manager accounts are especially helpful when you have multiple ad accounts per channel (Google, Facebook, etc.). If you’re unfamiliar with manager accounts here are resources from Google and Facebook to get you started.

Double check tracking on RFI forms and landing pages

It’s very common to make changes to your RFI forms or landing pages as you optimize campaigns. It’s also common to add and remove landing pages as you make changes to your website or add/remove programs. Take a few minutes to submit test leads and double check to make sure that your conversion tracking is working properly. I’d recommend not just testing for each landing page or RFI, but also for each ad platform to ensure that you aren’t missing any platform-specific tracking. It’s easy to overlook tracking updates when you are busy getting campaigns live. This is also a great time to double check CRM integrations and data. You want to make sure that you are inputting leads properly into your CRM for timely follow-up with students. (We regularly do this for our campus partners.)

Ensure domain verification and event prioritization have been completed

If you’re not familiar with some of the changes that Facebook has made related to the new Apple iOS 14 updates, check out RNL’s overview. Many of these changes are still rolling out, so make sure that you read up on all the new requirements and recommendations, then work with any internal teams to verify your domains and prioritize conversion events to continue properly tracking your ads.

Review account users

This is one of those items that often goes overlooked, but take a few minutes to review who has access to your advertising accounts and digital marketing tools. A few minutes of clean-up could help avoid and permissions issues as users get added and removed or as roles and responsibilities shift.

Clean up old tracking

As you add new accounts and platforms, it’s very common to create new pixels or tracking tags. Over time if these aren’t monitored you can wind up with extra tracking tags across your landing pages and websites that are no longer being used. If these are allowed to go unchecked, they can eventually impact the load speed of your pages and inadvertently impact performance on your campaigns. Make sure to spend time checking all your tools such as Google Analytics in addition to just focusing on ad platforms. Taking a few minutes to review and update your tracking can help avoid these issues later.

Review goals and KPIs

This is also a great time to step back and take another look at the big picture. Take a few minutes to think about your marketing campaigns and make sure that your strategies and tactics align with your goals and that all tactics are being measured appropriately. For example, if your priority is brand awareness, your goals should be centered around reach, frequency, and impressions to make sure that you’re reaching as many people as possible within your identified audience. These KPIs will shift as your strategies move through the funnel.

Reach out to discuss more digital marketing strategies with us

These are just a few tips and tricks to help with spring cleaning your digital marketing house in order. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need assistance improving your digital marketing setup and strategies the RNL team is always here to help. Contact us to set up a time to talk with our enrollment and digital marketing experts.

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