Home Press Releases Ruffalo Noel Levitz Launches RNL Strategy Plus to Increase Access to Expertise, Insights, and Analytics for Solving Higher Education’s Greatest Challenges

Ruffalo Noel Levitz Launches RNL Strategy Plus to Increase Access to Expertise, Insights, and Analytics for Solving Higher Education’s Greatest Challenges

More colleges and universities can now draw on the largest, most experienced, and most accomplished collection of experts in higher education

November 12, 2018—Ruffalo Noel Levitz today announced its launch of RNL Strategy Plus, a new service that enables more colleges and universities to find proven strategic guidance and support as they tackle their greatest challenges. 

As more institutions struggle with flattening enrollments, fiscal challenges, student outcomes, alumni participation, and other threats to their sustainability, RNL Strategy Plus will allow more of them to draw on the firm’s wealth of deep analytics and research, experienced consultants, and a platform that powers services which span the entire student lifecycle from enrollment inquiry to donor alumni.

The unparalleled experience and expertise of RNL’s diverse roster of consultants anchors its position as the leader in higher education enrollment, student success, and fundraising. With more than 130 experts who have on average served 15 years on campuses as leaders of enrollment, student success, and advancement, RNL has the greatest range of strategic and analytic expertise in higher education. Nearly half of the firm’s consultants still serve in leadership positions at their institutions, and 40 of them hold doctorates.

This combination of knowledge, campus experience, and institutional diversity gives RNL’s consultants a unique advantage in solving every conceivable challenge that colleges and universities face today. “We have an expert for every possible issue an institution may face,” said Sarah Coen, senior vice president for consulting and a former enrollment manager at Transylvania University and the University of Michigan system. “And our consulting group has faced these issues at every type of institution. If a consultant has not encountered a specific challenge before, they can find a colleague who has.”

RNL’s consultants are already the most in-demand experts in the field, working with 1,900 institutions and organizations each year. They also publish annually a dozen research reports and benchmark studies available freely for the higher education community to help institutions formulate strategies and tactics. But the company still wanted to give more institutions the benefit of its collective experience, which is now possible through this renewable annual service.

“Every single day of the year, there’s an RNL consultant on a campus somewhere, helping an institution chart a course to success,” said Coen. “Now with RNL Strategy Plus, we will make it easier for colleges and universities to work with our leading experts and tap into our collective experience, so that those institutions can sustain their success year after year.”

To learn more, contact us here.

About Ruffalo Noel Levitz

Ruffalo Noel Levitz is the leading provider of higher education enrollment, student success, and fundraising solutions. More than 1,900 colleges, universities, and nonprofit organizations rely on RNL for advanced analytics, personalized engagement, and industry-leading insights to achieve their missions. The firm is focused on the entire lifecycle of enrollment and fundraising, assuring students find the right college or university, graduate on time, secure their first job in their chosen field, and give back to support the next generation. Ruffalo Noel Levitz conferences, research reports, papers, and articles help clients stay on top of current trends. Learn more at www.RuffaloNL.com