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Lew Sanborne, PhD

Dr. Lew Sanborne is RNL’s leader in strategic enrollment planning. He offers three decades of experience in higher education and enrollment management, with a range of expertise including annual, and strategic enrollment planning, student success and retention, quality service, and leadership and organizational development.

Dr. Sanborne has consulted with more than 100 two- and four-year institutions, including Seton Hall University (NJ), Tarleton State University (TX), Harper College (IL), Southeast Community College (NE), Saint Joseph College (CT), Kennesaw State University (GA), and the University of Nevada Las Vegas (NV). He has worked with his campus partners to achieve their goals for enrollment and student success, including:

  • His strategic enrollment planning efforts helped the Franciscan University of Steubenville diversify their enrollment and revenue streams by expanding online program offerings to reach niche markets.
  • As a retention consultant, his efforts helped Colby-Sawyer College increase first to second year retention by over six percent in one year focusing on academic advising, early alert, and strategies for supporting undecided majors.

Watch Dr. Lewis Sanborne discuss strategic enrollment planning


Previous campus experience

Dr. Sanborne served at St. Ambrose University (IA) in a number of positions, including dean of the College for Professional Studies and associate vice president for enrollment management, as well as holding status in the English department. Earlier in his career he led efforts at St. Ambrose that resulted in an increase of first- to second-year retention from 71.5 to 79.5 percent.

Associations and education

Dr. Sanborne is a past member of the National Academic Advising Association and the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, among other organizations, and is currently a member of the Society for College and University Planning.

Dr. Sanborne holds a PhD in higher education administration from Illinois State University. He also earned an MA in English and a BA in English education from Idaho State University.

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