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David Jakielo

David provides strategic leadership for RNL digital giving partners, maximizing their success with crowdfunding, giving days, and our digital giving solutions. David provides support for RNL Digital Giving powered by ScaleFunder, including giving days and crowdfunding. The team accelerates strategy on peer-to-peer fundraising efforts, leadership match and challenge gifts, personal education fundraising, and digital campaign best practices.

Previous Experience

David most recently served as director of annual giving at Duquesne University. He began at the University in 2011, serving in leadership roles in marketing and communications as well as advancement. He launched Duquesne’s digital fundraising program, including record-setting giving days and crowdfunding. Before that, David was the lead fundraiser at Bishop Canevin High School. An avid sports fan, David also has been a member of the Bucco Brigade for the Pittsburgh Pirates.


David holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Duquesne University, along with a master’s in media arts and technology.

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Presentations and Insights

Quotes from David

“Crowdfunding and giving days make giving back to your alma mater exciting. Being part of an event is so much more engaging than just ‘sending a check’ – you get to be part of a community. The combined generosity, which builds live in front of donors, lets givers of all sizes work together to have a massive impact.”

“You want your digital giving experiences to be interactive, dynamic and social. Harnessing key technology lets you create this donor experience. We also need to make things easy for donors, and to directly show impact. The platform you use for digital giving should let donors invest in their cause with low friction, and to directly see the people they support.”

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