Home Enrollment Management Solutions Digital Engagement Solutions for Enrollment

Create personalized engagement with students anywhere, anytime

The disruption from COVID-19 on higher education has made many traditional marketing and recruitment activities unavailable. Yet students and their families are continuing their enrollment journeys and looking ahead to enrolling. How can you keep them engaged when your campus is closed and your resources and staff are remote?

The answer is Digital Engagement Solutions from RNL.

Drive interest, yield, and enrollment through direct digital interaction
RNL gives you the tools you need to turn student smartphones into a 1:1 engagement platform.

Increasing studnet engagement at every stage of the funnel

Build engagement at every stage of the funnel
From prospects to admits to enrolled students, RNL’s Digital Engagement Solutions can create engagement opportunities that keep students on the path to enrollment and also increase retention.

Manage digital engagement remotelyManage your outreach remotely
RNL’s Digital Engagement Solutions allow you to manage them from wherever you are working. You can create videos, conduct online events, and oversee all of these solutions.


RNL Virtual Experience

RNL Virtual Experience


RNL Virtual Experience powered by StudentBridge is a suite of solutions that provides you with immersive online engagement opportunities for cultivating student interest and driving enrollment.

  • Capture attention with customized, multi-sensory content in virtual tours, video viewbook storytelling, and interactive campus maps.
  • Connect with prospects across multiple channels and amplify their engagement through enhanced virtual experiences.
  • Convert more students while maximizing ROI through detailed metrics and insightful reports.

Learn more about RNL Virtual Experience

RNL Video Engagement

It’s critical to know what your prospective students thinking about enrollment, especially during a highly fluid crisis. Now you can gain real-time attitudinal data while also increasing student engagement with RNL Video Engagement Powered by ThankView.

Get real-time attitudinal data on intent to enroll
Are students planning on attending? What are their most important enrollment factors. Find out with branded surveys embedded in engaging video messages.

Create and send personalized videos in minutes
Send personalized video messages with branded invitations—whether you are working on campus or remotely. It’s the fastest, most engaging way to keep in touch with students and their families.

Find out more about RNL Video Engagement

RNL Video Engagement for College Student Enrollment

Student Retention Predictor

Student Retention Predictor SRP image

RNL and Othot have brought their expertise and technology together to create the best-in-class student retention solution. Combining advanced student retention analytics with expert retention consulting, they provide you with actionable predictions and expert advice that strengthens retention, persistence, and graduation rates.

  • Receive expert guidance from experienced retention consultants who use an innovative AI platform to provide specific data-guided prescriptions for your institution.
  • Access an executive dashboard that shows progress toward institution goals.
  • Uncover specific insights for each individual student and aggregate information for groups of students.
  • Guide proactive actions using individual student risk indicators.

Explore Student Retention Predictor

RNL Social Media Amplifier

RNL Social Media Amplifier helps campuses all over the country connect with prospective students, increase their engagement, and move them closer to enrollment through authentic social media content from prospective and current students.

  • Define a deliberate social strategy that increases your institution’s ability to engage students in a way that moves them toward enrolling.
  • Expand your community to increase engagement and deliver content that really resonates with prospective students.
  • Leverage your content and social activity to improve interest and get students to move through the funnel.
  • Make informed decisions driven by robust data and analytics so you can continue to optimize the impact of your social media outreach on enrollment.

Find out more about RNL Social Media Amplifier

RNL Social Media Amplifier