New research on undergraduate, graduate, and online enrollment management

Home › 2024 Student Marketing, Recruitment, and Retention Research from RNL

What are institutions doing to meet their goals for enrollment in today’s challenging environment? How are students and parents engaging with institutions now? The following reports represent the latest research from RNL to provide insights and benchmarks.

We invite you to dive into the findings in the following reports, free for you to download. You can also find insights from our experts in our higher ed blog. And if you want to discuss how you can reach your goals, reach out and we’ll set up a time to talk.

Image of female student working on a laptop computer

Optimizing marketing and recruitment for online enrollment


What works (or doesn’t work) with online marketing and recruitment today? What do prospective online students expect when they are researching programs? RNL published two studies that surveyed online students about how they search for programs and a survey of enrollment managers on their most used and effective practices.

Engaging undergraduate students and their families


The college search process is a stressful time for students and families. Understanding their challenges, concerns, behaviors, and experiences can help you engage them at every stage of the enrollment journey. These three reports provide valuable insights for your undergraduate marketing and recruitment efforts so that your outreach resonates with your audiences and makes the maximum impact on enrollment.

Exploring college financing and financial aid awarding


College financing and awarding strategy are critical to meeting the needs of families and the revenue needs of your institution. How can you better align your financial aid strategy with those needs and with your enrollment goals? These two reports provide terrific insights into how students approach financial aid and discounting benchmarks for private and public institutions.

Tracking student satisfaction and priorities


Conducting satisfaction assessment is a way to show students that your institution cares about student perceptions and the educational experience. The 2024 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report provides benchmarks for four-year institutions, two-year colleges, and adult and online learners, with data from more than 400,000 student records and nearly 700 institutions.


Understanding changing trends and modalities in higher education


As demographic changes sweep through higher education, it’s imperative to have enrollment strategies that are built for today’s realities. RNL dove into trends and the way they are shaping enrollment trends, student expectations, and the growing population of adult learners.