Assess the Satisfaction and Priorities of Students in
Distance Learning and Online Programs
Online learning programs are rapidly gaining popularity. Students in these programs may have different needs, expectations, and priorities than students primarily enrolled in on-ground, face to face programs.
Measure the satisfaction levels of online learners with the Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL). The PSOL is part of the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys family and is the first survey of its kind designed specifically for online students in either graduate or undergraduate programs at four-year and two-year institutions.
This survey can tell you how satisfied your students are and what issues are really important to them in the areas of:
- Academic services
- Enrollment services
- Institutional perceptions
- Instructional services
- Student services
Order the Priorities Survey for Online Learners
Please email us or call 800.876.1117 to speak with our Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys team.
Receive national benchmark comparisons
After using the PSOL, you will receive detailed reports about the responses for your population and see how the satisfaction levels of your online learners compare with similar students nationally.
Review the report samples and the list of institutions in the current three-year national norm groups.
Accreditation Support
The items on the Priorities Survey for Online Learners have been mapped to the criteria for each of the regional accreditors. Learn more and download the documentation.
Implementation support: How is the PSOL administered?
Learn more about the online administration process and how RNL provides you with support throughout the process.
Still have questions?
More resources for online learner assessment
2024 National Student Satisfaction and Priorities Report
Do You Know How Satisfied Your Online Learners Are?
SPS Report Review Tutorial
This series of recorded presentations offers short tutorials on topics that are relevant for the implementation of the Satisfaction-Priorities Survey instruments....
Additional solutions for student success
RNL Adult Student Priorities Survey™
Assess and improve the student experience of students age 25 and older at the undergraduate or graduate level.
RNL Student Satisfaction Inventory™
Determine the satisfaction and priorities of traditional undergraduates with this comprehensive student assessment.
RNL Retention Management System Plus™
Increase retention and completion with these early-alert and motivational assessments.