Adult Student Priorities Survey™

Learn how satisfied your nontraditional students are with their educational experience and identify their top priorities.

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Home Enrollment Management Solutions Student Success RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys™ Adult Student Priorities Survey

Assess Your Adult Undergraduates and Graduate Students to Increase Their Satisfaction and Persistence


By using the Adult Student Priorities Survey (ASPS), you’ll see what’s important to your adult students and how satisfied they are, along with national benchmark comparison data.

The ASPS is part of the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys family and is appropriate for surveying adult students 25 years of age and older in:

  • Undergraduate programs
  • Graduate programs
  • Evening or weekend programs

The ASPS captures a variety of experiences at four-year institutions where the nontraditional student experience may be different than the on-campus traditional student experience, both inside and outside of the classroom, including:

  • Instructional effectiveness
  • Academic advising
  • Registration effectiveness
  • Campus climate
  • Safety and security
  • Recruitment and financial aid

See samples of the Adult Student Priorities Survey

Check prices and order the Adult Student Priorities Survey

Check prices and order

Please email us or call 800.876.1117 to speak with our Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys team.

Note: as of June 2021, the RNL Satisfaction-Priorities Surveys are only available for online administrations.

Receive national benchmark comparisons

After using the ASPS, you will receive detailed reports about the responses for your population and see how your students’ satisfaction levels compare with comparable students nationally. Review the report samples and the list of institutions in the current three-year national norm groups.

Accreditation Support

The items on the Adult Student Priorities Survey have been mapped to the criteria for each of the regional accreditors.  Learn more and download the documentation.

Implementation support: How is the ASPS administered?

Learn more about the online administration process.

Still have questions?

Metropolitan State University of Denver

“We use the findings to shape our strategic direction. Every year in our strategic planning meetings we ask: What are some actionable items we can take to close these gaps?”

Andrew Melendres
VP, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, Metropolitan State University of Denver - Learn More
Medaille College

“The RNL Adult Student Priorities Survey measures our adult students’ opinions in terms of importance and satisfaction on a number of services, programs, and experiences. This instrument has been critical in Medaille College’s efforts to make data-driven decisions in terms of assessment and increased retention.”

Patrick McDonald
Assistant Vice President of Institutional Research and Planning, Medaille College 

More resources for surveying adult student satisfaction

Additional solutions for student success

RNL Student Satisfaction Inventory™

Measure the satisfaction and priorities of traditional undergraduate students.

RNL Priorities Survey for Online Learners™

Find data to help you improve the engagement and success of online learners.

RNL Retention Management System Plus™

Increase retention and completion with these early-alert and motivational assessments.